Friday 21 August 2009

Monday 17th August 2009


As guests of Dr Ian Hudson, we were invited with Cllr H Wormstrup, and Dr Adam Naylor to lunch and a fascinating guided tour of the building. I can do no better than quote from their own to describe it.

Energus will be a world class centre for the provisions of vocational skills excellence, spanning both further and higher education in the nuclear, carbon-free and environmental restoration industries. It will be a dedicated centre of excellence and innovation, with a range of training, education and business support services geared to providing and enhancing skills within both the local and national workforce, and making the most of the opportunities these industries hold.

This iconic development is a key part of the drive to turn West Cumbria into a global centre for energy, environment and technology, consistent with the aims of the West Cumbria Masterplan and the Energy Coast Initiative, and has I am sure a great future.

The two-storey iconic building was a pleasure to see and is a wonderful venue for the initiative.