Monday 25 January 2010

Thursday 21st January 2010

County Council Meeting - County Offices, Kendal
9.30am for 10.00am

David and I were delighted to be able to attend this meeting which we found extremely interesting. We were to have attended on the 19th November 2009 and so it was nice to be able to do this under better weather conditions.

The Chief Constable was present and he paid tribute to Constable Bill Barker, and others who had suffered during the floods and he also mentioned Haiti. He asked everyone to observe a minute silence.

The damage done by both floods and the snow and the gritting of the roads were discussed in much detail, as well as other matters.

We had an excellent viewpoint sitting in the public gallery but I did mention to the Chairman that the sound up there was not very good. He agreed, and I think it is possible that they might install some sort of loud speaker to enable people in the public gallery to have better sound.

The meeting did not break at 12.30 as planned,, but by popular consent continued to nearly 1pm until the majority of the business was finished.

After this the Chairman had invited us for lunch in the Chairman's Room, where we joined the Leader of the Council, Group Leaders, Chief Executive, Vice Chairman and Cllr Bill Cameron who is the longest serving County Councillor.