Monday 19 October 2009

Saturday 10th October 2009


To ensure that as many people as possible were involved in the service, it took place between St Cuthbert's Church and Carlisle Cathedral. Both Churches were filled to capacity.

The County and Court procession walked from the Robing Room at the Resources Centre at the Cathedral to St Cuthbert's where the service began at 2pm.

At about 2.45pm we processed to the Cavel Cross in the City Centre, for the new Bishop to be welcomes by the Mayor of Carlisle and the Lord Lieutenant. The Bishop blessed the city and the county; and then proceeded to the Cathedral.

At this point Worshippers in St Cuthberts saw the remainder of the service through T V Screens.

It was a truly inspiring service with an equally inspiring address by the Bishop. After the service refreshments were served and the Bishop and his family mingled with their guests.