Wednesday 11 November 2009

Monday 9th November 2009

Windermere Fire Station

It was suggested to me on my last visit to the Fire Station that I might like to bring a party of people to attend a HEARTSTART-Emergency Life Support Training evening. Cumbria fire and Rescue Service are working in partnership with the British Heart Foundation to teach members of the public what to do in a life-threatening emergency: simple skills that can save lives.

I invited 7 friends to join me and we had a most interesting and informative two hours with instruction from Suzanne Wainwright of the Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service. We were also shown a very realistic and informative DVD.

We came away feeling it was a most worthwhile evening and that we had learnt something very important. There were also some amongst us who, when prompted, admitted that their homes had no fire alarms!
Cumbria Fire and Rescue are anxious for the general public to know about these courses which they are happy to do for small or large groups of people, as well as for schools and organisations.

You never know - doing this could save a life - why not contact Suzanne on her website - or email her on
Or you can telephone her on 01539 797647.