Monday 9 November 2009

Thursday 5th November 2009

I had a most interesting morning at Workington Magistrates' Court arranged once again by Tim Jepson.

I was greeted by Gail Inglis, Bench Chairman of West Allerdale and Keswick, who I have met several times before. She and Tim kindly showed me around the Court and introduced me to several members of staff. She also introduced me to those sitting in the Court and asked me to say a few words about the Office of High Sheriff.

A very interesting morning. I hope to sit in Whitehaven and Barrow in the New Year.


The Rising Sun Drop-in Centre in Workington

Met in the afternoon with Paul Lee from the Trust and Roger Hart from the Cumbria Community Foundation, (who have recently expanded their services from 6pm to 9pm),to award a cheque for £750 to The Rising Sun. Current users are very enthusiastic about the extended HOURS. As on my first visit, I was very impressed with what is done here. Photos were taken by The Times & Star.