Thursday 5 November 2009

Thursday 5th November 2009

I have not had time to write my BLOGS recently and hope to do so next week.

Although I have not had as many engagements during the last ten days, I have been exceptionally busy with admin.

Some of the visits I make take time to arrange and of course deserve my written appreciation. And the visits I arrange round the county take a lot of time, not just arranging them, but involving people to take part and confirming details to all parties.

At the same time preparations for the Judge's Service at Carlisle Cathedral on the 17th November have been ongoing for some time, including invitations and catering arrangements.

I am also thinking about Christmas card lists of names etc, so it is a busy time.

I could not do all this without the wonderful help of Katy, my PA. But she is only part-time and sometimes we both wish there were more hours in a day!